CASE CLOSED – William P. Eshleman – “Catch Fire Now!”

A subtle yet powerful tale of retribution that evolves into an intense narrative.

By William P. Eshleman ‧ RELEASE DATE: N/A

In Eshleman’s novel, set in the 1980s, Peter Case and his sidekick Hal McDonald reluctantly leave their marine salvage business to investigate a series of mysterious deaths. The first part of the book is spent with the two men discussing life over steaks and drinks, until the deaths of Case’s parents, the stabbing of one of his friends, and the accident that kills Hal’s brother. To get to the bottom of the situation, they enlist the help of their friends, including the British MI6 agent Danita, the CIA, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Case’s fighting skills are demonstrated when he takes down two men in a bar. The trio then take the Osprey, their salvage boat, to Barkley Sound to catch the drug trafficker Constantine, who may be behind the deaths. Eshleman’s descriptions of diving, swimming, and boating are captivating, and the scene of the Osprey being hand-propelled by fishermen through a tight channel between two long rows of trawlers is particularly memorable. The story builds up to a thrilling climax, with Case being moved forward by his friends and those who care about him until he can use the skills that even the CIA is envious of. The action scenes are well-crafted, making for an exciting read.

Pub Date: N/A
ISBN: 9781039178861

Page Count: –
Publisher: N/A

Review Posted Online: June 27, 2023